Our development journey.
As avid Hermes collectors, we noticed that our Constance handbags were not properly protected from wear and tear. Due to the unique design, shape and small size of this iconic handbag, we were unable to find a bag insert in the market that could fully protect our Constance handbags.
In 2019 we started the development of a bag insert for the Constance 18 and Constance 24 bags. Over 30 fabrics were tried and tested and over 20 prototypes were made. We engaged expert seamstresses, tailors and handbag makers from several countries to produce prototypes. We consulted other Hermes enthusiasts and built a community of Hermes handbag owners to test and feedback on the design.
It was a costly and frustrating journey as each sample produced did not meet all of our expectations. We were seeking the perfect fit and materials that fulfilled all of our requirements. We needed our insert to be light weight and breathable, with soft edges to avoid press marks onto the bags. We wanted our insert to be thin enough so that the capacity of the bag is not compromised and yet thick enough to protect the bag interior. We also had a vision to produce a line of premium handbag inserts that were environmentally friendly and cost effective.
For each of your handbags, we wanted to create one cost effective, neutral non bleeding colour so that you don’t need to buy separate inserts for each colour bag due to fear of colours running. The construction was challenging, but today we finally present to you our two compartment, single piece Constance double insert. A first of its kind!
Why Choose Lotus Inserts?
Premium fabric
One neutral colour for all
No colour bleed
Light weight
Full protection
Sustainable choice
We hope you will give our Lotus Inserts a try. We know you won't be disappointed.
Disclaimer: LotusInserts™ is an independent company and the owner of the trademark “LotusInserts” and is not associated in any manner whatsoever, with the Hermes brand.
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